<p>It’s official, Yooper Steez is up and running, and for our 3rd Photo Friday we’re featuring the very first of our “<a href="https://upsupply.co/steez.php">Steez Photos</a>“. The shoveling must get done, and what better to represent than the <strong>Yooper Scooper</strong>, a classic icon of the U... Read more
<figure><img class="fluid" data-src="https://upsco.imgix.net/upsco/ys/images/blog/baraga-ice-fishing.jpg" alt="Keweenaw Bay Ice Fishing"></figure>
<p>This week across the Upper Peninsula it was rare to see a temperature below freezing. A lot of snow and ice melted this week and once again the ice fi... Read more
<p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Welcome to Yooper Steez! </span>We have sought to create a brand new Yooper website unlike any Yooper site you’ve seen before and we’re happy to welcome you. To both Yoopers and non-Yoopers alike we’re looking to spread pride in Michigan’s great Upper Peninsula an... Read more