The First Couple Engaged Wearing Yooper Steez Shirts
Yooper Steez has achieved another first (unless somewhere out there hasn’t sent us their photo!). To our knowledge our friends Angela and Josh, residents of Lansing, became the first couple engaged while each were wearing Yooper Steez shirts! We’re excited for the young couple and have to say they look pretty good too. Though the shirts are hardly noticeable behind that shiny rock. And of course the special moment took place in the Upper Peninsula, at Pictured Rocks, during their Memorial Day weekend getaway. Congratulations Angela and Josh! We are fully expecting an Upper Peninsula themed wedding! Lots of flannel, miner axes, pasties, Sweet Rolls, and venison.
Since the inception of Yooper Steez in late 2007, we’ve heard a number of great stories from customers. Not sure all the places they’ve been, but all the stories that come with it.
If you don’t have your shirt yet, check out our beloved Upper Peninsula Silhouette Series today, it’s the design that got us started over five years ago.
We would love to hear from you what stories do you have while wearing your Yooper Steez gear?