45 Upper Peninsula books to add to your reading list
Whether you’re reading up on the history of the Upper Peninsula or looking for some new places to explore this year, it’s always a good idea to have a few Upper Peninsula books lying around. We’ve been pouring over our copy of the Upper Peninsula Almanac by Ron Jolly and Karl Bohnak. It is a must-have book for anyone with a love for the Upper Peninsula. We keeping a copy in our office where we pick it up for a few pages of time to learn some new Upper Peninsula trivia and history.
Y is for Yooper by Scott Reddinger Anatomy of a Murder by Robert Traver U.P. A Novel by R.A. Riekki And So It Is, and So It Was by James R. Mesich Tales of the Old U.P. by Cully Gage Shadow of the Wolf Tree: A Woods Cop Mystery by Joseph Heywood A Transplanted Yooper: Mostly True Stories Of Michigan's U.P by Tina Lonski The Wind Knot (A Fly Fishing Mystery) by John Galligan Michigan's Upper Peninsula Almanac by Ronald Jolly & Karl Bohnak Death's Door by Steve Lehto by Steve Lehto The Sweater Letter by Dave Distel Lumberjack: Inside an Era in the U.P. by William S. Crowe The Superior Peninsula: Seasons in the U.P. by Lon L. Emerick Growing Up Yooper by Carol Brisson Zechlin Folk Traditions of Michigan's Upper Peninsula by Richard M. Dorson So Cold A Sky, Upper Michigan Weather Stories by Karl Bohnak A Ghostly Road Tour of Michigan's Upper Peninsula by Jan Langley A Most Superior Land by David M. Frimodig Geological report on the Upper Peninsula by Carl Ludwig Rominger An Inventory of Historic Engineering and Industrial Sites by Anonymous Upper Peninsula of Michigan: A History by Russell M. Magnaghi Iron-Bearing Rocks Volume 1 by Thomas Benton Brooks Forgotten Tales of Michigan's Upper Peninsula by Lisa A. Shiel Murder in Michigan's Upper Peninsula by Sonny Longtine Michigan Gold: Mining in the Upper Peninsula by Daniel R. Fountain Yooper Talk: Dialect as Identity in Michigan's Upper Peninsula by Kathryn A. Remlinger Superior Heartland: A Backwoods History by C. Fred Rydholm Michigan's Upper Peninsula: Spirit of Place by Steve Brimm Yooper Bars by Kevin R. Kluck & Randall J. Kluck Michigan's Upper Peninsula by Josh Bishop Hiking Michigan's Upper Peninsula by Eric Hansen Upper Peninsula Fishing Guide by Sportsman's Connection Going Back to Central by Lon L. Emerick Michigan's Upper Peninsula: Great Destinations by Amy Westervelt 50 Hikes in Michigan's Upper Peninsula by Thomas Funke Trout Ponds and Lakes in the Upper Peninsula by Christopher Deubler Hunts' Guide to Michigan's Upper Peninsula by Mary Hoffmann Hunt Northern Flights: Tracking the Birds in the U.P. by Eldon Greij 100 Things to Do in the Upper Peninsula Before You Die by Kath Usitalo Sooper Yooper: Environmental Defender by Mark Newman A Superior Death by Nevada Barr Winter Study by Nevada Barr Brown Dog by Jim Harrison The Marsh King's Daughter by Karen Dionne Along the Bowstring, or South Shore of Lake Superior by Julian Ralph The Death and Life of the Great Lakes by Dan Egan