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Keweenaw Bay Ice Fishing

Keweenaw Bay Ice Fishing

This week across the Upper Peninsula it was rare to see a temperature below freezing. A lot of snow and ice melted this week and once again the ice fishing season will be coming to a close soon.

There aren’t many places in the United States where you’re driving along and see a frozen lake that’s full of ice shanties. It’s a rare thing that Yoopers take for granted a few months out of the year. It seems to be a favorite site among tourists and locals alike, to see the small villages of ice shanties.

Ice fishing is rare in itself across the entire United States, what’s even more strange is actually seeing a driveway to drive right out onto the ice. So with that in mind we wanted to conduct a small poll… (please check all that apply).

Have you been on a frozen lake before?

[poll id=”8″]

This photo was snapped by Jen March 8th, 2008. It was her very first trip to the Upper Peninsula. It was also her first time walking on a frozen lake.

We’re always looking for more great photos. Get in touch with us and submit your best Upper Peninsula photos.