In the News: Upper Peninsula Featured in the New York Times

Last fall I mentioned how the Marquette County Fair was featured in the New York times.
This time around the New York Times has featured a photo story in the Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park.
The article is titled, “Snowshoes and S’Mores; Camping in the Cold” by Gustave Axelson.
Teamed up with nature photographer Tom Thulen, you can view a slide show of the photos titled, “Michigan’s Upper Peninsula on Snowshoes” posted on the New York Time’s website.
I’m not a regular reader of the NYT, however my best friend who works on Wall Street sent the article over to me. He has never been to the Upper Peninsula, but one of these days I am going to get him to come here so he can have a break from the hectic life on Wall Street. He has always expressed an interest in coming here to visit and asked a lot of questions about the Upper Peninsula.
It’s good to see that with the enormous readership of the New York Times that a few more people will learn about the beautiful Upper Peninsula.
I’m always thrilled to see the Upper Peninsula have recognition on the national or international level. If you hear of any more stories feel free to comment or e-mail me with the info.