Hilltop Sweetroll #2 Sweet Treat in State of Michigan
Recently the Detroit News readers listed their favorite sweet treat stops in the state of Michigan. An Upper Peninsula favorite made the list at #2.
In Baraga county it’s one of the biggest staples known…
The Hilltop Sweetroll

It’s bigger than a baby’s head…

You can find these enormous rolls of sweetness in L’Anse, right next to US 41. If you can’t make the drive you can also find these tasty treats online where you can order a 4-pack.
If you have ever tried one of these mammoth cinnamon rolls you know why it’s famous. Recently, I bought a couple for my roommates in Maruqette, and although both from the Upper Peninsula they had never tried one before. They were speechless when it wasn’t so much a “roll” but, “That’s like a loaf of bread!” Yup.
Once I even attended a wedding reception in the U.P. where the food was nothing but dozens of Sweet Rolls. Another time (years ago) I was watching the Red Wings and someone had sent one to renowned hockey commentator Mickey Redmond.
Personally I suggest taking the time to drive across the U.P. if you have to and stop in at the Hilltop. It’s best when it’s dripping with warm frosting that piles up at the bottom of the plate and you can scoop it up all the extra frosting with a spoon.
“On a typical busy weekend, we’ll use about 3,000 pounds of flour, 150 pounds of sugar, 60 pounds of apples, etc., just making our sweet rolls, not to mention the cinnamon, that comes in 100 pounds at a time. Our record so far is 204 dozen [2,248!] sweet rolls baked in our kitchen in the course of one long day.”
Also on the list…
You can’t go wrong with stopping by the Swedish Pantry in Escanaba.
And of course there is Mackinac Island Fudge. Yes, Mackinac Island is technically part of the Upper Peninsula (the Detroit News forgot to mention this as they did with L’Anse and Escanaba, but we’ll save this debate for a later day).
The food choices in the Upper Peninsula go a lot further than venison, cudighi, and pasties.