2009 Midwest Super Park – Marquette Mountain

1 helicopter. 1 broken snowboard. 1 broken leg. And a whole bunch of whoa.
Every year a few dozens of the Midwest’s best snowboarders and skiers take to Marquette Mountain and showcase some of the best talent around. It’s impressive to see the kind of talent there is locally.
Here are some photos from the big air competition, courtesy of yours truly….
(click the photo for a larger version, and if you competed in the comp or are looking for more photos, get a hold of me and I can set you up with files or prints)

Nick Baumgartner

Dave Sarazin. A few runs later he broke his snowboard.

Gene Ross… Rodeo 540, while dodging 8 snowballs. Look closely in the second photo and you can tell that not one of them hit him, so these kids need some better aim. More importantly, he landed as smooth as butter on a day where most people were sketching out on the landing.

There was one serious injury on the day, a broken leg. After about 10 minutes of attention from the ski patrol he was off to the hospital. Fortunately, I got a photo of the near instant he broke his leg, probably within miliseconds.