Luce County

Population:5,339 (14th)
Pop. Density:5.91 people/sq. mile (13th)
Land Area:903 sq. miles (13th)
Water Area:1,009 sq. miles (7th)
County Seat:Newberry
Towns:McMillan, Newberry
How We Keep Calm

How We Keep Calm

<h3 id="our-rendition-of-the-keep-calm-and-carry-on-poster">Our rendition of the Keep Calm And Carry On poster.</h3> <figure><img class="fluid" data-src="" alt="Keep Calm and Tahquamenon"></figure>... Read more

Prayer of the Woods

Prayer of the Woods

<figure><img class="fluid loader" data-src="" alt="Prayer of the woods"></figure> <p> <span class="dropcap dropcap--a fluid-h" data-fluid='{"crop":"focalpoint","fp-z":2,"fm":"jpg", "fit":"crop","mask":"https://upsco.imgix.n... Read more