<p>This is our third installment of <a href="https://upsupply.co/tags/fish-fry">Fish Frydays</a>. On a not-quite-weekly but more-than-monthly schedule, we will patronize a new fish fry location in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. These outings will take place on Friday evening, with a review posted the f... Read more
<p>It’s Memorial Day weekend, which makes the beginning of summer road tripping season. And yesterday was one of those epic Upper Peninsula days. The plan was simple, get a late start and head to Pictured Rocks for the sunset. And it was worth each and every mosquito bite. Truthfully, the mosquitos ... Read more
<p>The town of Trenary, rather Mathias Township is approximately 554 people. A little gem of a community that must be darn near the <a href="https://upsupply.co/post/what-actually-constitutes-northern-michigan" title="What Actually Constitutes “Northern” Michigan?">geographic center of the Upper Pen... Read more
<h3 id="320000-people">320,000 People</h3>
<li>Approximately 3% of the Michigan</li>
<li>Approximately 0.1% of the United States</li>
<li>Population density of 19 people/sq. mile</li>
<h3 id="10-largest-cities">10 Largest Cities</h3>
<li>Marquette (~19,661 people)</li>
<li>Sault Ste.... Read more
<p>This is a guest post from our friend <a href="https://twitter.com/alicerossignol" title="Alice Rossignol">Alice Rossignol</a>. She’s a big fan of the great outdoors and her love for the Upper Peninsula is blossoming. You can follow her on Twitter. Photos courtesy of Courtney Shuert.</p>
... Read more
<figure><img src="https://farm1.static.flickr.com/86/244712222_7b6bd26445_o.jpg" alt="Scott Falls, Munising"></figure>
<p>Looking for some Memorial Day weekend site-seeing? If you can spare a day, or a few hours if you live closer, make a trip the Scott Falls. You’ll find Scott Falls about 7 miles w... Read more
<h3 id="on-april-13th-2006-the-famous-landscape-of-miners-castle-changed-forever">On April 13th, 2006 the famous landscape of Miners Castle changed forever.</h3>
<span class="dropcap dropcap--o fluid-h" data-fluid='{"crop":"focalpoint","fp-z":2,"fm":"jpg", "fit":"crop","mask":"https://upsco... Read more